
Prayer Times in Al `Aliyah

Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Prayer times Change Location?
4:51 AM
6:03 AM
11:56 AM
3:17 PM
5:48 PM
6:56 PM
Calculation Method

Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki)

MWL - Muslim World League

Fajr 18  degrees, Isha 17 degrees


17.27172000 , 42.53921000



Timezone offset: UTC3

Accurate Al `Aliyah Prayer Times, Jizan Saudi Arabia: Easy MWL - Muslim World League Method & Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) Juristic Asr Calculation

Effortless Calculation Methods

Discover precise Al `Aliyah prayer times in Jizan Saudi Arabia, effortlessly. Calculated with the MWL - Muslim World League method and Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) juristic method for Asr, these prayer times cater to local needs.

Time Zone & Geographical Coordinates

Utilizing the Asia/Riyadh, Al `Aliyah Jizan sits at a 3:0 hour difference from UTC, with a latitude of 17.27172000 and longitude of 42.53921000.

Daylight Saving Time

Keep track of prayer times in daylight saving time. with eSalah while on the go, ensuring convenience for the Muslim faithful in Al `Aliyah, Jizan, Saudi Arabia.

Prayer times in other locations in Saudi Arabia near Jizan

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Today's Prayer Times in Mahalli Saudi Arabia

Find accurate Prayer timings in Al `Aliyah JizanSaudi Arabia , with eSalah. Instantly access today's prayer times for:

Fajr prayer time for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Fajr: 4:51 AM
Sunrise salah timing for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Sunrise: 6:03 AM
Duhur namaz time for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Duhur: 11:56 AM
Asr Salat time for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Asr: 3:17 PM
 Maghrib Islamic praying timing for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Maghrib: 5:48 PM
Isha salah waqt for Al `Aliyah Jizan Saudi Arabia Isha: 6:56 PM

Calculation Methods & Juristic Method for Asr

Prayer times were calculated using the MWL - Muslim World League method and Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) juristic method for Asr. Check Al `Aliyah Jizan in Saudi Arabia namaz times effortlessly with eSalah.

Prayer Duration Breakdown

  • Duration between Fajr and Sunrise is: 1 hour, 12 minutes
  • Duration between Sunrise and Duhur is: 5 hours, 53 minutes
  • Duration between Duhur and Asr is: 3 hours, 21 minutes
  • Duration between Asr and Maghrib is: 2 hours, 31 minutes
  • Duration between Maghrib and Isha is: 1 hour, 8 minutes
  • Duration between Fajr and Maghrib is: 12 hours, 57 minutes
  • Duration between Fajr and Isha is: 14 hours, 5 minutes

Fasting Duration on Rabi-Ul-Akhir 11, 1446, (October 15, 2024)

The fasting duration in Al `Aliyah on Rabi-Ul-Akhir 11, 1446, (October 15, 2024) is as follows:

  • Duration between Fajr and Maghrib: 12 hours, 57 minutes