Prayer Times in Escolín de Olarte

Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Prayer times Change Location?
5:31 AM
6:50 AM
12:19 PM
3:26 PM
5:48 PM
7:02 PM
Calculation Method

Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki)

MWL - Muslim World League

Fajr 18  degrees, Isha 17 degrees


20.5 , -97.4



Timezone offset: UTC-6

Accurate Escolín de Olarte Prayer Times, Veracruz-Llave Mexico: Easy MWL - Muslim World League Method & Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) Juristic Asr Calculation

Effortless Calculation Methods

Discover precise Escolín de Olarte prayer times in Veracruz-Llave Mexico, effortlessly. Calculated with the MWL - Muslim World League method and Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) juristic method for Asr, these prayer times cater to local needs.

Time Zone & Geographical Coordinates

Utilizing the America/Mexico_City, Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave sits at a -6:0 hour difference from UTC, with a latitude of 20.5 and longitude of -97.4.

Daylight Saving Time

Keep track of prayer times in daylight saving time. with eSalah while on the go, ensuring convenience for the Muslim faithful in Escolín de Olarte, Veracruz-Llave, Mexico.

Prayer times in other locations in Mexico near Veracruz-Llave

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Today's Prayer Times in Tejamanil Mexico

Find accurate Prayer timings in Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-LlaveMexico , with eSalah. Instantly access today's prayer times for:

Fajr prayer time for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Fajr: 5:31 AM
Sunrise salah timing for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Sunrise: 6:50 AM
Duhur namaz time for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Duhur: 12:19 PM
Asr Salat time for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Asr: 3:26 PM
 Maghrib Islamic praying timing for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Maghrib: 5:48 PM
Isha salah waqt for Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave Mexico Isha: 7:02 PM

Calculation Methods & Juristic Method for Asr

Prayer times were calculated using the MWL - Muslim World League method and Standard (Shafi, Hanbli, Maliki) juristic method for Asr. Check Escolín de Olarte Veracruz-Llave in Mexico namaz times effortlessly with eSalah.

Prayer Duration Breakdown

  • Duration between Fajr and Sunrise is: 1 hour, 19 minutes
  • Duration between Sunrise and Duhur is: 5 hours, 29 minutes
  • Duration between Duhur and Asr is: 3 hours, 7 minutes
  • Duration between Asr and Maghrib is: 2 hours, 22 minutes
  • Duration between Maghrib and Isha is: 1 hour, 14 minutes
  • Duration between Fajr and Maghrib is: 12 hours, 17 minutes
  • Duration between Fajr and Isha is: 13 hours, 31 minutes

Fasting Duration on Jumaada-Al-Oola 29, 1446, (December 1, 2024)

The fasting duration in Escolín de Olarte on Jumaada-Al-Oola 29, 1446, (December 1, 2024) is as follows:

  • Duration between Fajr and Maghrib: 12 hours, 17 minutes